Marketing Automation






Program Overview

Marketing Automation Solution mainly serves financial institutions for enterprise-level marketing management

Anchored on AI, this solution combines core technologies such as data mining and machine learning with the business process of retail banking to create an AI brain for marketing. Through end-to-end digital and intelligent revamp of the whole process, the solution empowers bankers with one-stop and automated marketing that closes the loop from planning and execution to assessment and optimization of marketing campaigns.


Solution Advantages

Transformation & Upgrade

The in-house AI Lab provides clients with constant support for their digital transformation and upgrading.

End-to-end Marketing Closed Loop

All-channel access and multi-dimensional dashboard of assessment for end-to-end close-loop marketing.

Unboxing Ready To Use

The platform supports multiple built-in scenarios, strategies, and models, offering a ready-to-serve package that is user-friendly even to non-expert business staff.

Advanced Experience

A new generation of intelligent marketing platform engineered for the future of AI-empowered marketing. Based on 15 years of dedicated service to the financial industry and experience from the construction of intelligent marketing systems for leading banks, it adopts technical advances of mainstream


Solution Value

One-stop Closed-loop Marketing

Years of in-depth cooperation with China Merchants Bank, a champion in retail banking, exemplifies how we use industrial experience to empower clients in the financial sector and accelerate their digital transformation.

Precise & Personalized

Rapid construction of tag-based user sample library, all-channel compatibility, targeted and personalized marketing content.

Digital & Efficient Transformation

Years of in-depth cooperation with China Merchants Bank, a champion in retail banking, exemplifies how we use industrial experience to empower clients in the financial sector and accelerate their digital transformation.

Experience it now and start the journey of digital transformation !