Data Management

Data Control

Unified MGT

Operational Compliance

Reduce Risk

Data management and control helps banks to carry out related management and control activities around the full life cycle of data assets to ensure operational compliance and risk control during the data and its application process to achieve the ultimate increase in the value of bank data and facilitate the development of banking business

Platform Introduction

"The data management & control construction plan is based on the DAMA International Data Management Association's data management knowledge system & the National Quality Supervision Bureau's data management capability maturity assessment model"

Consider the design from the perspectives of strategy, organization, and governance. The establishment of a data management and control system mainly focuses on five aspects: the core domain of data management, data management and control mechanisms, IT tool support, data management and control announcements, and data management implementation route planning

Platform Function

Platform Function

Data Asset Management

The purpose is to serve various institutions, departments, personnel, etc., to provide data services more accurately, faster and more conveniently

Metadata Management

The purpose is to clarify the relationship and context between metadata and standardize the entire life cycle process of metadata design, implementation, and operation and maintenance

Data Standard Management

The data standard is a set of data standardization system established by the organization in line with its own reality, covering definition, operation, and application. Data standards are established, allowing data management and control to be based on rules

Data Architecture Management

Pay attention to data model and data exchange module. Data model is an important part of data architecture, including conceptual data model, logical data model and physical data model. It is the key and focus of data management and control

Data Quality Management

Data quality check definition, rule configuration, check report and other functions

Master Data Management

Integrate the most core and most needed shared data from multiple business systems in various departments, centralize data cleaning and enrichment, and deliver unified, complete, accurate, and authoritative master data to the organization in a service manner Inside

Data Lifecycle Management

Including data generation and transmission, data storage, data processing and application, and data destruction. Different management mechanisms are implemented for cold and hot data.

Data Security Management

The main solution is the security issues in the process of data storage, use and exchange, data encryption authority control, etc.

Platform Advantage

Platform Advantage

Complete data management & control consulting system

Senior data management and control experts, complete data management and control consulting system, comprehensively sort out and construct bank data

Effective data management & control tool support

To maximize the automation of enterprise data management and control work, improve data management and control capabilities and data service levels

Platform Value

Platform Value

Control Whole Process

From metadata, master data, data standards, data quality to data processing, data assets, data exchange and data security, we provide enterprises with one-stop solutions

Unified Data MGT

Unified management of data scattered in each system ensures the correctness and quality of the data from the source, and can improve the consistency and efficiency of development and data management

Solve Complex Control

Can easily solve data management and control problems in various complex scenarios according to the actual situation of customers

Reduce Filing Risk

Improve the quality of bank data, meet the data compliance requirements of regulatory agencies, and reduce the risk of external data reporting problems

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