Interpretable Machine Learning

Data Mining

Black Box


Accuracy & Reliability


Program Overview

Developed by Ruihedata AI lab is an enterprise-level data mining solution dedicated to bank clients

It integrates multiple models and algorithms to address the “black box” issue of conventional machine learning in the industry, helping banks improve model transparency as required by regulators, enhance model precision and make decisions more reliable


Solution Advantages

Flexible Model Rationale

According to the needs of financial clients, Ruihedata can either build interpretable machine learning models from scratch, or insert ex-post analysis into legacy models.

Business & Regulatory

While ensuring high precision of models, the solution makes in-depth interpretation for various application scenarios, helping clients reduce compliance risks in their models.

Simple & Easy To Build

The interpretable machine learning model is easy to build and deploy, without the need of complex pre-processing of data. With low resources consumption for machine training, the model can run ultra fast.


Solution Value

Artificial intelligence technology & financial services can be deeply integrated

The solution has been applied to multiple financial marketing scenarios such as precise product recommendation, customer mining, and early warning of customer churn. Excellent results show the strength of close integration between AI and financial service.

Further improve the operational efficiency of financial services

It helps financial clients remove business bottlenecks, deliver personalized service, and make operation more efficient.

Experience it now and start the journey of digital transformation !