Apocalypse for bankers

In 2020, under the general trend that artificial intelligence, blockchain, 5G and other technologies are gradually reshaping the background of the financial industry, the outbreak of the new crown pneumonia epidemic has not only changed people's financial lives, but also has non-contact with banks and other financial institutions. The ability to provide services posed a challenge. In this context, how banking institutions should turn crises into opportunities, use financial technology to achieve digital and online breakthroughs in financial services, and ultimately achieve business success. This is a topic that many banking practitioners are thinking and paying close attention to.

Suoxinda Holdings (3680.HK), as a leading artificial intelligence technology and service provider in the financial industry, and an innovator in data technology-driven industry applications, has long been committed to using leading solutions to help banking institutions start the transformation of "digital banking" Travel, work with customers and partners to achieve business success together. To this end, we specially invited Dr. Zhang Lei, chief scientist of Suoxinda Holdings, to share the topic of "Cross-Border Application of Communication Mode Analysis" with the bankers' epidemic revelation.

At that time, Dr. Zhang Lei will focus on the application of AI and advanced analysis technology in the analysis and prevention and control of the spread of the epidemic, and will focus on discussing the role of AI and advanced analysis technology in improving the non-contact digital and online financial service capabilities of commercial banks. Cross-border application and accelerated landing. Excellent content outline: comprehensive view of epidemic spreading pattern analysis methods, source tracking → correlation analysis, correlation analysis → model interpretability, trend prediction → time series analysis, neural network → prediction model and communication path in bank precision marketing and anti-fraud → diagram Algorithm→Analysis of transaction network in precision marketing and anti-fraud, etc.

If you are a financial practitioner in banking, insurance, securities, etc. and are interested in this topic, we sincerely invite you to participate in this seminar.

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